Saturday, August 15, 2009

A vacation from myself.

I miss NY. I know that I love living in Florida, but as soon as I get back down here and have a little time to myself I realize just how much I was actually doing in NY while I was there and none of it had anything to do with TV or a's odd. I was complaining about the fact that Malone, NY is like a step back to 1989 but in a strange way it's actually a bit liberating. There wasn't any need for me to get connected, or try hard to entertain myself on the "interweb". I just enjoyed being there. I read a book in the pleasant weather, went to the lake and relaxed and visited with my family. I actually took pleasure in cleaning my's a whole different world up there and now I have to get back to the business of keeping myself alive here in Florida. I hope I'm up to the challenge.

I have a few ideas about where I'd like to go with my life choices and I know that there is a finite amount of time left for me to get things going, but for 13 days I didn't have to think about that. I just existed in a world that, though touched by modernity, still held a lot of the simpler pleasures in life dear.

Sure I checked my facebook a couple times, and emailed some contract work to my employers, but I didn't feel the urgent need to check my email 10 times a day, or make sure I looked at my facebook status regularly to see what everyone was doing. I started caring about what it was I wanted to do...and I think that translated into my looking a little closer at what it is I want out of life, and the means to achieve those ends...

I needed my hometown perspective to see things a little better.

Lars T.

Great ideas come into the world as quietly as doves. Perhaps then , if we listen attentively we shall hear, among the uproar of empires and nations, the faint fluttering of wings, the gentle stirrings of life and hope. -Albert Camus

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