Thursday, August 27, 2009

Left Field

Nazis of course are evil [+/-], but when one is engulfed in the ocean also known as O.C.D., Nazi as an adjective seems acceptable. Such as being very particular about your collections or hobbies, et cetera...Be that as it may, it does not mean you cook Hebrews in an oven, or attend KKK rallies. Things that are personal to someone are often treated with a different state of existence, be it physical, spiritual, or all points in between. So one adopts a "Nazi" like mentality towards dealing with such, and sometimes it overflows into places it should never be. As someone very close to me so aptly put it, "...being able to identify the irrational, and detrimental thoughts and not act upon them means you are fine..." And they were absolutely correct. Despite all the miscommunication, poor life choices, failures, et al; I am fine. I am nowhere near what my mind had planned for my future, my health could probably be better [Knock on wood...], but despite all the Tomfoolery, there are a host of things related to my existence that are awesome. My wife, my child, dogs, accomplishments I can be grateful for, people that did not suck that I had the honor of meeting or knowing, you get the idea...I am fine.

With that being said, I have a ton of knowledge concerning Dachshunds, and do believe the Badger Hound pictured above, knows something we do not...

"I like to make every ones day more surreal." Calvin and Hobbes [Calvin]

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