Thursday, September 29, 2016

Trump versus your feelings.

Let's be honest. Social issues aren't going to radically change under either candidate. So what are the issues that need to be addressed? The budget deficit, fiscal policy, out of control spending, jobs, the economy, terrorism, policy in the Middle East etc. How is Trump's "sexist" and "racist" attitude going ruin things for the country (but more importantly, what's it mean to YOU)?
On the foreign policy front: If you think that Obama and Clinton (as Secretary of State) have done an awesome job in that department then you need mental help. The Middle East is as bad or worse. Now, in addition to Iraq and Afghanistan, we have Syria and Libya and Iran issues. Obama's administration was supposed to end the wars; they've actually expanded the conflict. Clinton was a large part of that administration. And let's not forget the tragedy in Benghazi. And instead of antagonizing Russia why aren't we recognizing their position in the global community and forming bonds of peace and mutual interest? Saying that Russia is the DNC hacker, and associating Trump with that, is outright libel! The current administration doesn't care that they're pissing off the second largest nuclear power in the world and they think that Trump is the one who's mouth is going to screw this country?
What exactly is it about Trump that is going to torpedo this nation? Because right now I'm not seeing anything other than people being offended by who he is and who he isn't to them specifically. That's his biggest downfall. He's blunt, honest about his feelings, he's unafraid to say what's on his mind. Is that worse than Hillary's series of lies and deceit so long and encompassing that it's akin to Bill Cosby's accuser levels of overwhelming circumstantial evidence? And the only thing they want to talk about is someone's tax returns...what do they think that's going to tell them? Secret dirt? That's not how taxes Trump won't have to disclose anything that isn't gaining him money so tax returns are not a metric for determining wealth or anything else other than a snapshot of his personal taxes. Hillary's emails on the other hand...we have already learned a lot, and with 33,000 still  missing, I'm sure we'd learn a lot more. And instead of decrying the "Russian hackers" how about we decry what they uncovered. Corruption in the DNC!
Trump's personal successes outweigh his failures, he's a successful business man, a successful (if controversial) brand, he's a television personality. What exactly has Hillary Clinton done in her time in public office? If Trump used a million dollar loan to get started, what is the value of using a husband who was governor and then president as a stepping stone to her own political aspirations? Trump may have declared bankruptcy in a few of his businesses but Hillary Clinton is morally bankrupt. What I haven't seen from her is anything that indicates she is a good leader...nothing, no policy, no political decisions, not one piece of legislation, nothing.
National issues don't include whether or not someone is polite. National issues mean things that affect us all. At home that means the bloated budget, creating jobs, immigration and terrorism. Some of Trump's ideas may seem outlandish (the wall), but he's not wrong about companies taking their business elsewhere. Hillary supported NAFTA and the Trans Pacific Partnership and the former has been one of the single worst things to happen to the nation from an industry standpoint. Trump, conversely, has been steadfast for nearly 30 years about what he thinks about the American economy, look up his interviews on Youtube from the 80's and 90's. Hillary has flip flopped dozens of times on any given issue, you can look those up too. Consistency of view means Trump's been thinking about these issues for years. People see Trump as this divisive figure, or a joke, or think of him as the "You're Fired" Guy. But the truth is the Donald Trump loves this nation, and he has used the laws of this nation to become a very successful man. He's not a criminal, he's never been censured, or convicted of anything, Hillary cannot say the same. He's been sued, but name me a billionaire or corporation that hasn't. Failed corporations? Bankruptcy isn't a crime it's a tool to restructure debt. The US Government has an overwhelming amount of debt and there are states close to default at this very moment. Our national credit rating was downgraded because of our failure to pay our interest rates on our national debt. This is not because Trump didn't pay his "fair share". It's because we've let the same people who got us into these messes continue to give us bad governance and blame the rich for it.
If you don't like the guy, that's fine. If you'd like vote 3rd party, fine. But if you think he's worse than someone who's already had opportunities to make policy changes, who's already made things worse, who's gotten people killed, who's been irresponsible with classified government documents, who's got a history of highly questionable associations, decisions and scandals...then you're part of the problem.