Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Reading is Fundamental

There's been a lot of hype surrounding certain sci-fi/fantasy movies which were adapted from books as of late, and while certainly some of it is deserved, there's a part of me that wants to slap the snot out of everyone who hypes the movies as "the greatest" films without having even read a line from the literary work that proceeded them and are usually superior to the celluloid version. Following are a list of books that movies have been adapted from that people should read in addition to seeing the movie.

Harry Potter: To be certain, this movie franchise has been spectacular. The evolution of the series has propelled us along at break neck pace towards the climactic finish. It's true. However, if you haven't had a chance to read J. K. Rowling's series then you are a dolt. I had my doubts about the movies, and the books that preceded them when I first heard about the "Harry Potter Phenomenon" however being the super-genius that I am I decided to judge for myself (my opinion being the only one that matters). The books are well written, structured for an evolving storyline and grow in maturity level as the books go on. Shame on the religious fanatics that have crapped all over this series as being satanic and's a story, get over yourselves...or I will cast a spell on you and turn you into a liberal!

Twilight Series: Stephenie Meyer really hit the nail squarely on the head with these books, and much like the aforementioned Harry Potter books I was skeptical that these books were anything more than teenage fluff. How wrong was I?!? Well I wasn't wrong, as usual I was awesome and so are these books. If you like the movie I demand that you read the books now! Don't go to work, don't eat, and don’t take bathroom breaks...get reading. Although the movie is fairly faithful to the book, I think that anyone who reads the first chapter will see that Meyer really has her shit together...besides she was inspired by the band Muse...which may be the coolest band to come out of the British Isles since the Beatles...and that's high praise.
All the movies are scheduled to be made into films so if you are a douche who can't read, fear not you'll get you chance.

2001/2010: Arthur C. Clarke wrote some really cool books. Arguably, 2001: A Space Oddessy is the precursor to modern sci-fi movies, and certainly Stanley Kubrick's film which was written concurrently with the book was an amazing achievement. I would offer that the book series which has 2 more books 2061 and 3001 are some of the coolest books by an old dude that you could read. Clarke's vision of the future, although not in line with the actual future, has offered us a lot of interesting ideas that have spawned technologies that we now take for granted. Now granted, 2010 wasn't exactly the best film ever made, but the book version was so check it out.

Nightwatch/Daywatch: These movies, if you're lucky enough to even know they exist (they're Russian) are probably the coolest sci-fi/fantasy movies ever made outside Hollywood...BAR NONE! If you haven't seen them then get on your Netflix and queue them up immediately, or I will smack you like a bad bad donkey! In the meantime you should go get the entire Nightwatch Series of books by Sergei Lukyanenko, which includes Nightwatch, Daywatch, Twilight Watch and Last Watch (so far). These books are mind-blowingly absolutely awesome book series, following an epic struggle between good and evil...and for once the United States isn't the major player's Russia, deal with it! Certainly a top pick for awesome reading. Shame that the latest two books have not been made into films as yet...we can hope.

Lord of the Rings: Yeah the movies were epic...but how could they not be given the books they were based on. J. R. R. Tolkien gave the world what we now commonly envision as elves and dwarves and all manner of fantasy that we now take for wasn't Dungeons and Dragons, it was Tolkien. Without his books, The Hobbit, and the Lord of the Rings series we'd all be living with a whole different perception of the fantasy world, and you'd have never created a elven mage with magic missile in your buddy's basement in 9th grade that you still think about from time to time...nerd! Anyhow, bypassing your awkward teenage years these books are a rich tapestry of myth and magic with epic battles and heroic characters. Give it up for the granddaddy of them all!

Other Noteworthy Movie/Books you should check out:

The War of the Worlds

The Time Machine

Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Lars T.
You don't have to burn books to destroy a culture. Just get people to stop reading them. -Ray Bradbury

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