So I came up with an idea for a money making Iphone app that I thought would be cool and fun, however lacking the skills to create said app, the Iphone, and a Mac, I guess I'll just have to keep it to myself and see how long it takes for the app to appear from somewhere else. Seems as of late whenever I think of something cool either someone else has already done it without my knowledge, or it's going to be done very soon and I missed my window of opportunity.
For example, back in 1998ish I had this crazy idea to make a movie about a town above the Arctic Circle in Alaska where vampires go for the winter and basically get the run of the place for 20 hours a day. I was going to make it a horror film and call it Darkness Alaska. Well low and behold just this year "30 Days of Night" comes out and BANG! just one more good idea usurped. Now I know it's based on a graphic novel, but I don't know how old that is, but you get my point...I don't follow through on stuff and someone else gets the pay off. I'm not saying "30 Days of Night" was a good movie, but it stands to reason that somebody made money somewhere along the line...
I have to work on my follow-through. Finishing is just as important if not more so than starting..after all if someone starts but fails to finish, then why waste the time at all. Effort needs pay off. This little co-op digital journal that Mr. Smith and I have started is an attempt at try to follow-through on something...anything, and work our way towards something bigger and better.
"When you take that bus, you get there." -Tone Def (Fear of a Black Hat)
I'd also like to apologize to A.Smith, seems like whenever he's writing something and gets it posted, I'm also working on a new post, which puts me back at the top of the page. Forgive me oh great one, for we must think alike, with you just out in front of me.
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