Monday, May 4, 2015

So, it has come to this.

It's been a while...and nothing has changed. I'd love to imagine a universe where people actually used the brains they were given to better understand the world around themselves. Alas, it is not to be. We see the world gradually sliding further and further towards the inevitable. And in the words of REM, "I feel fine".
No, I'm not angry, I'm not upset, or saddened. This is how things go.
Right now the United States is on the edge of it's inevitable collapse. The powers that be have sapped this once great nation of all value and are preparing for the fall. "How can this be?!?!" You cry, "This is AMERICA!"
Oh you poor, poor, delusional soul. Did you imagine that things could be this way forever? Every empire has its beginning and its end. The United States is no different. We will give way to the next great empire, slowly declining and changing, like a star collapsing in on itself. And just as a star releases destruction before it stabilizes once again, so too, the United States will not go quietly. Already we can see the first signs of unrest bubbling to the surface and manifesting in our cities and across our nation. People crowd the streets screaming for justice, equality, vengeance, or just screaming in hatred.
The Media and Government would have you believe that this is because of any number of reasons: police brutality, guns, banks, the environment, terror, security, left, right...
It's not.
This is the Invisible Stick. A slave that does not understand who their captors are still know that they are not free. This unrest is the cracks appearing in the facade that once was the "flag waving", "USA chanting" American way of life that we grew up with. We are beginning to see the ugliness.
Sadly the picture is either still too obscured or it is beyond comprehension because the unrest in the nation is flowing in hundreds of different directions and at hundreds of different targets. There is no unity to the question of "What is wrong with this nation?". There are many theories...
The real problem isn't that hard to understand. It's so simple that most people won't even believe it. It's something we see everyday, can't live without and are effectively slaves to. It has no value in and of itself, yet it is hoarded and collected and highly sought after.
Paper currency.
Paper currency to the majority of people on the planet is one of the most highly coveted and desired things a person can possess. And yet it is merely paper with ink on it. Paper currency is the lifeblood of civilization and economics. And it's completely worthless without our putting value upon it. We cannot function within society without it.
But everyone needs money right? Well firstly, it's not money, money has unwavering value. Currency is a fluctuating thing. The government actually shreds currency when it is retired or damaged, something that had "value" suddenly has no more value than any other paper garbage. That is not money, and ultimately it is worthless. Rich people understand this. They do not invest in currency, they use it to buy land and mining rights and gold and silver and art and jewels and real estate holdings, and intangible value such as media or government influence...currency's value goes down yearly. The dollar of 2015 has the buying power of a 1915 nickle. That's right, your dollar is worth 5 cents. Would you rather have an ounce of gold or it's cash equivalent?  What if I gave you that gold twenty years ago or the cash equivalent? In April of 1995 gold was worth about $391.00/ounce. I could give you that or it's currency value in cash...if you held that currency until today you'd still have $391. If I gave you an ounce of gold's currency value would have changed dramatically. Today as I write this gold is worth $1,189.00/ounce.
You might say: "Well the price of gold went up! It's value changed!" Well let's use another example. The average price of a car in 1995 was $12,800.00. Today, this very day, USA Today (no pun) released an article stating that the average car price is now $33,360.00. It's still a car, sure it might have a few new components but does it have $20,000 more than a 1995 car?
The point is that technically the value of gold doesn't change, the buying power of currency changes. It's gone down. What you could buy in 1995 (an ounce of gold) for about $400.00 will cost you almost $1200.00 today.
I didn't start this as an economics lesson, I started this to point out that the problem is people thinking that paper and things of little real value are important when they are not. That iPhone 6 isn't worth $600 dollars or more...and it certainly won't be worth that in 3 years. What you think of as valuable is just something headed to the recycling plant in 5 years...
The real value of this world is already bought and paid for. We're just fighting over the leftover scraps and false promises. The media is controlled by people of real wealth. It tells us what to buy and lust after...and it's all a lie.
I recommend the following video which will explain the foundations of the lie. It will show you why the collapse in imminent.

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