Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Its time Mr. Smith...

I have finally begun to take photos of my LEGO Collection/creations...I am upgrading my camera/lighting to attain the best resolution possible...More bulletins as events warrant...Stay tuned, or check face book, for now...

Thursday, September 23, 2010

I did know something you didn't, but just not that...

I got nothing, which in Zen terms is the point...I have been lazy, and preoccupied, and as a result my posts to this nonexistent BLOG have disappeared. The truth hurts, but also heals. A decent contradiction if you think about it. Regardless, there is much to say, even more to do, and an infinite amount of things to contemplate. That was always the point. It took pure unadulterated evil to remind me of what I was doing here and why. Weird...Nevertheless, if I can stumble across a blond girl masturbating at 90 M.P.H. whilst driving down the Interstate, then like Kevin Garnett, Anything is Possible...So what does this mean? I have had a very bizarre and somehow interesting life to this point, and it should be written down for others to laugh at, be disgusted by, cry for, vomit because of, or generally be entertained by ONE of 6.6 billion people on this rock floating around the giant nuclear furnace in the sky, more commonly known as the Sun. It would be selfish and borderline evil of me, if I were to hoard my own tomfoolery to myself. A vast majority of my life experiences don't happen to "normal" people, and by normal I mean everyone on the planet but me [Ha Ha]. In all seriousness, with as many times as I have told the tales of my spirit journey through life, the reaction is pretty much the same: "That doesn't happen to anyone else." or "How do you get into these situations?" and my personal favorite, "Only you, Mr. Smith, only you..." Therefore, I will begin to document, loosely, the random events that spice up my existence, plague me like a swarm of hostile locusts, and all points in between. I have known some great storytellers in my day, but no one could make up the the menagerie of of events that have made up my life to this point. So in the light of entertainment, education, and prevention, the coffee table book will be coming to a bookstore near you very soon...I dare you to make less sense.
"Fat girls need love to, just not from us..." - Optimus Prime, Leader of the Autobots